Monday, November 17, 2008

on the road. again.


where have you been? we have missed you.

it's been a few dozen weeks and a few thousand miles since we did our duty. sorry about that. i wish i could promise that this post's awesomeness would be proportional to its tardiness. alas, alack, in this case, we will settle for existence rather than awesomeness. my bad.

anyway, there's plenty of awesomeness out there on the rest of the interwebs, especially now that obama has been anointed high king of gondor and leader of all free peoples. have you seen the paper today?

since we last talked, abbie and i drove to new orleans to surprise those people. we rested and recuperated, imposing on the hospitality of my dear Other Mother, while we did some serious visiting.

we then headed up to kansas city, where we volunteered for obama for several weeks. unfortunately, it looks like mccain is going to carry missouri by a few thousand votes. what are you gonna do? guess they'll have to kiss the bellwether thing goodbye.

and now we're in lexington, kentucky, visiting abbie's grandfather. it's snowing! and we're having a swell time. we also stopped in columbia, missouri, to check in on our good friends katrina and t. j. they have a blog that's cooler than this one (and updated more regularly).

we'll post some pictures up here, before too long, i promise. promise promise promise.

love to everyone.