Thursday, June 19, 2008

day one. hour one. minute one.

how appropriate that we start the road trip blog at 12:01 am on the first day of the trip... and of course at this moment we are really doing the opposite of going on a road trip - which is to say we are sitting in a dark bedroom, one of us asleep, the other staring at a laptop screen. i'd prefer to break a bottle of nice champagne over the hood of the prius maybe, but there will be time for something more ceremonial in the morning if we're feeling up to it.

scenic kansas city has treated us very well as it always does. it will be a sad goodbye tomorrow, as it was last week when we left new orleans.

we head to madison tomorrow - at about eight hours, one of the longest driving days we'll have if we stick to the itinerary. we'll be staying at a hostel abs discovered during her Exhaustive Research Phase (September '07 - February '08 - for those of you who didn't have the pleasure of seeing her in action, she spent just about every free minute reading books to find cool stuff to do and places to stay. for fun. she would talk to me only reluctantly during those months. it was amazing... and now we get to start enjoying the fruits of her labor of love).

the photo really speaks for itself, so i'll just thank max for the excellent drum lesson....

we also want to thank gloria and eddie for putting us up and putting up with us; and katrina and t. j. for the lovely hospitality and the excellent songs; and the new orleans peeps for the magnificent send-off (we just finished the cookies... mmm).

good night everyone - we'll post from wisconsin.

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

J. R. R. Tolkien, who also wrote that "not all who wander are lost."


emily said...

*grins while dusting off idle stalker-skills*
abbie! sam! i found you!
better yet, your "tomorrow" is bleeding into today which means you must be madison bound in our collective very-much present. i cannot believe how swift the action seems - or at least... the transition from theory to action. you are so near to me! to be honest, i'm not sure how this world of blog works, but i hope to leap from here to more tangible contact.
i would be over the moon if i could meet up with you both while you are in my general geography... have feet, bike, contacts with cars - am willing to travel. drop me a line in any form.
in the meantime, ohhhh, just take these *wide eyes* of awe and joy and soul-inhalation. i never doubted that you'd hit the open open open road, but i'm particularly... inspired by the first steps all the same.
okay, ramble-receding, for now.

emily (of the bettin-variety... long ago)

Ellen said...

Dear very not-lost wanderers, I already wrote one comment, but you've set up this blog so's I can no longer be anonymous -- and when I signed up/in as a Google/Blogger, it erased my very witty comment! So, this is not witty. It is, however, written by someone who loves and misses you and is very excited for you! The adventure begins! I hope to talk to you tomorrow. And we're all so excited about the singer/songwriter award! That's just Okay Alright. LOVE, no longer anonymous Sis

yomama said...

we love the blog, pix and dorky video. where'd you get the big hat?