Sunday, June 29, 2008

the end of the beginning

howdy folks! before we get started, please take a moment to ponder these organic strawberries we got at the farmers' market in madison.

thank you. wasn't that nice?

okay, first: i fear that we're getting into a bad habit, or at least a debatably good habit, of posting on the run, and of stuffing too much into each post and posting too rarely as a result. unfortunately, it doesn't seem like free internet access is going to get any easier to find as we head north to michigan's upper peninsula or west across the vast plains. thank you for your patience.

for example, while there's much more to say about scenic madison and the lovely time we had there, we're going to let abbie's video stand as the emotional heart of our experience and let your imaginations fill in the rest, like the lovely hike along the water or the time we went busking and realized just how quiet we really are.

chicago also deserves volumes, especially since abbie still thinks we should move there. or at least it's pretty high on her list.

and i have to mention our gratitude to emily bettin (abbie's childhood friend) and kathy (her mom), who took us out for a very fun evening during which we got to sample their neighborhoods.

but instead of bothering about the open mic we played, which was fine, or our other lovely hike along the water, which was lovely, i'd like to spend some quality time discussing our visit with my cousin andy carter.

as the poet said, o, what a night. we picked andy up from the downtown university where he teaches math (and education - or at least i'm pretty sure he teaches both) and puttered over to the frontera grill.

now, i have some issues singing the praises of a non-new orleans restaurant to the extent that i am about to do. rick bayless, the chef/owner/superstar, does not need any more horn-tooting. but i just have to come out and say how completely blown away i was by the food. of course we went there expecting to have a great and memorable meal, and i'm sure that helps.

the company was equally spectacular. although we missed seeing andy's wife diane, we were very glad to be able to spend a few hours with him doing some top-notch visiting.

what can i say? i felt at home in chicago - like there was a place for me there.

but we had more to do, verily, and so we left town the next morning and made our way to the michigan side of lake michigan to meet up with sarah deacy (abbie's bestest friend) and her family. more to come on that in the next post, including some video, we think. meanwhile, please enjoy this photo of the first time i ever played beirut (the last of about seven competitive activities we enjoyed yesterday).

we love and miss you all. more soon we hope. over and out.

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